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A fun place to take your kids downtown just opened in Grand Cayman. The worldwide chain, "It'Suger" has opened the doors in downtown Georgetown at Harbour Drive and Fort Street. This location is right by the Royal Watler Terminal. It'sugar features chocolate, candy, and gelato. The It's Sugar motto is:

"A movement dedicated to the single-minded pursuit of everything frivolous, over-indulgent and delightfully naughty. Our mission is to disrupt the white noise of daily life with a bunch of stuff that serves no purpose whatsoever other than to elicit laughter, happiness and child-like euphoria. Rules are made to be broken, rewritten, then broken again-we take great pleasure in great pleasure."

"We believe in: Staying up late, cutting class, the tooth fairy, conspicuous consumption, & asking for forgiveness instead of permission."

This brand new spot in Grand Cayman features hundreds of different kinds of chocolates, candies, and the best gelato on the island. Some of the specially flavored gelato are "Jack Sparrow Rum Raisin", Stracciatella Chocolate Chip, Bacio (Chocolate Hazelnut), Amerena (Black Cherry Swirl), Coconut Rum, and dozens more. Visit their website for more information!!

It's sugar

In addition to the outstanding sweets, they have a large souvenier shop with Cayman Islands themed shirts, souveniers, and more! 

Next time you are on Grand Cayman, take your kids downtown to It'sugar. They'll think you are "extra sweet" for doing it!

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I like jelly beans and when I saw all the flavors, I had to get me some. After boarding the cruise ship I started eating the jelly beans which were $20 a pound, I came across a few of the flavors to be stale. I was very disappointed, especially since I paid for 2 pounds. I spent about $70 in the store.

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